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Supported Upload Formats and Samples

Teamscale supports a variety of external formats (e.g., test coverage) that can be uploaded and will then included in the analysis (e.g., during Test Gap Analysis).

Supported Formats for Upload

This guide lists the report formats that Teamscale understands and gives some short hints on how to generate them. For an overview over how reports can be uploaded to Teamscale, take a look at how to upload external analysis results to Teamscale.

Language-specific Coverage Tool Recommendations

If you want to setup a coverage tool, take a look at the Coverage Profiler Overview listing page.


Report FormatParameter ValueRemarkProgramming Language(s)
AstreeASTREEAstree findings report format.from AbsInt. This is an XML format.C/C++
C# Compiler WarningCS_COMPILER_WARNINGC# Compiler warnings format.C#
ClangCLANGClang findings format.C, C++, Objective C/C++
CppcheckCPPCHECKCppcheck results in XML format.C/C++
FindBugs & SpotBugsFINDBUGSFindBugs & SpotBugs are static code analyzers for Java. SpotBugs is the successor fork of the unmaintained FindBugs project. Teamscale supports the old findings from FindBugs (some were not migrated to SpotBugs) as well as the new ones. For FindBugs findings which were migrated to SpotBugs, Teamscale shows the new finding message from SpotBugs. Findings produced by the Find Security Bugs plug-in for Spotbugs are also supported. This is an XML format.Java
FxCopFXCOP.NET findings report format.C#
jQAssistantJQASSISTANTjQAssistant is a quality assurance tool which allows to check for architecture and design rules. Teamscale supports the upload of jQAssistant's XML reports.Java, Typescript, Javascript
MypyMYPYMypy (static type checker for Python) findings report format.Python
Parasoft C/C++ testPARASOFT_CPP_TESTParasoft C/C++ test.C/C++
PC-LintPCLINTPClint coverage report format.C/C++
PylintPYLINTPylint (static analysis for Python) findings format.Python
RoslynROSLYNThe Roslyn (Microsoft .NET) compiler platform reports problems with the compiled C# or Visual Basic .NET code based on a set of configurable rules. The result file can be directly imported into Teamscale as external findings.C#
SAP Code InspectorSAP_CODE_INSPECTORThe SAP Code Inspector format is a Teamscale-specific JSON findings report uploadable directly through Teamscale's Web UI. The JSON report is a list of inspector finding data objects.ABAP
Simulink Model AdvisorMODEL_ADVISORSimulink Model Advisor generates HTML reports when it runs checks on models in Matlab.Matlab
SpCopSPCOPSpCop (Sharepoint Code Analysis) findings report format.C#
Teamscale Generic FindingsGENERIC_FINDINGSA canonical file format for uploadings external findings to Teamscale. See example-


Report FormatParameter ValueRemarkProgramming Languages(s)
BullseyeBULLSEYEBullseye (C++) coverage report format.C/C++
CloverCLOVERClover is a test coverage format. Teamscale supports the upload of the XML report format of Clover.Java, Groovy
CoberturaCOBERTURACobertura is a format for Java test coverage. This is an XML format.Java
GcovGCOVGcov is a profiling tool for code compiled with gcc. It comes with the gnu compiler collection. The reports are plaintext containing an annotated version of the source files. The reports usually have the .gcov file extension and contain plain text.C/C++
Go CoverGOLANG_COVERAGEGo Cover is a coverage format for Go.Go
IEC CoverageIEC_COVERAGEProprietary coverage format developed by Engel for upload of IEC coverage.
JaCoCoJACOCOJaCoCo (Java Code Coverage) xml report format. Teamscale needs the XML files exported from JaCoCo, as the JaCoCo-internal trace files (.exec) cannot be parsed.Java
JetBrains dotCoverDOT_COVERdotCover is a coverage format for .NET. Teamscale requires the detailed XML format variant, which includes statement-by-statement coverage. In ReSharper, use Export to Detailed XML to generate the detailed variant. To determine which variant a .xml file is in, look for <File> elements below <Type> and <Statement> elements below <Method> etc.; <File> and <Statement> are included only in the detailed XML variant.C#
Lauterbach Trace32LAUTERBACH_TRACE32The Lauterbach Trace32 Software allows recording trace based coverage on hardware for various chip families. For more information about collecting coverage see the Application Note for Trace-Based Code Coverage or watch the tutorial videos. Teamscale parses the coverage information from the mixed source/object code view in the coverage XML files for individual functions (i.e. func-*.xml files) generated by the Trace32 software. The XML files with coverage for individual functions can be imported into Teamscale. When uploading the XML files via the REST API to Teamscale import all func-*.xml files in one upload session. The coverage is converted into line coverage. Source lines of code in the report which are not fully covered but have corresponding object code which is executed are marked as partially covered in Teamscale. See example XML report.C/C++
LcovLCOVLcov is a frontend for gcov from the Linux Test Project (LTP). The format is plaintext containing lines that start, for example, with SF:, DA:, , TN:, BRDA:, BRF:. The file ends with end_of_record.JavaScript, C/C++, Dart
LLVM CoverageLLVMLLVM Coverage formatAda, C/C++, Delphi, Fortran, Kotlin, Objective-C, Swift
Microsoft CoverageMS_COVERAGEMS Coverage report format (CQSE Coverage Merger). Deprecated, use VS_COVERAGE instead.
OpenCoverOPEN_COVEROpenCover is a .NET coverage format (Windows only). Teamscale supports the upload of the XML report format.C#
Raw Testwise CoverageRAW_TESTWISEA Teamscale-specific coverage format that allows to express coverage information on a per test level. It can be produced from Bullseye reports via the teamscale-build tool.C, C++
Teamscale Compact CoverageTEAMSCALE_COMPACT_COVERAGEA Teamscale-specific coverage format to reduce the amount of data uploaded to and processed by the Teamscale instance. See reference and example-
Teamscale Simple CoverageSIMPLEA Teamscale-specific coverage format that has a very simple syntax designed for easy testing. See example
Testwise CoverageTESTWISE_COVERAGEA Teamscale-specific coverage format that allows to express coverage information on a per test level. See reference and exampleJava
Testwell CTC++CTCCTC coverage is a coverage format from for C/C++. This is an XML format with ctc_xml_report as root node.C/C++
Visual Studio CoverageVS_COVERAGEMS Coverage report format (Visual Studio Coverage Merger). Generated by the MSTest Coverage Collector or Microsoft Performance Tool in Visual Studio. The resulting .coverage binary files have to be converted to XML before uploading them to Teamscale.C/C++, C#
Xcode Test CoverageXCODELine coverage data in txt format from Xcode (xccov). Details on how to create a corresponding report can be found in the article on XCode Test CoverageSwift
XR.Baboon XR_BABOONXR.Baboon was originally intended as a code coverage format for C# on .NET/Mono, but was later extended to support C and C++ as well.C#, C/C++
J-Link/Ozone coverageJLINK_CSVCoverage from the Segger J-Link hardware debugger that has been converted to a CSV via Segger Ozone.C/C++

Test Executions

Report FormatParameter ValueRemarkProgramming Language(s)
Boost.TestBOOST_TESTBoost.Test format for test resultsC/C++
JUnitJUNITJUnit (Java unit tests) format for test resultsJava
Microsoft TestMS_TESTMS Test format for test results. Teamscale will process the .trx files (XML format)C#
NUnitNUNITNUnit (.Net unit tests) format for test results. NUnit version 2 and 3 are supported.C#
Testwise CoverageTESTWISE_COVERAGEA Teamscale-specific coverage format that allows to express coverage information on a per test level. See reference and exampleJava
XCResult JSONXCRESULT_JSONXCResult test execution reports in JSON format. Note that uploading the *.xcresult file is not possible, as it has to be converted to JSON.Swift
XUnitXUNITXUnit (.NET unit tests) format for test results.C#


Report FormatParameter ValueRemarkProgramming Language
JSON Compilation DatabaseCOMPILATION_DATABASEA compilation database containing include paths and preprocessor defined to increase analysis precision. LLVM Coverage formatC/C++
Teamscale Custom Artifacts MetricsGENERIC_NON_CODEA canonical file format for uploading non-code metrics to Teamscale. See example-

Example for XML File Format of Lauterbach Trace32 Coverage Report

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no" ?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="t32transform.xsl"?>
<TRACE32 file="C:\T32\demo\t32cast\eca\mcdc\coverage\coverage\func-p-8000988-8000a0f.xml">
        <COVerage.EXPORT.ListLine ts="1618396955" t32ver="S.2021.04.000134317MXD" t32pv="ARM" cpu="RM57L843-ZWT"
        <BookMark.EXPORT ts="1618396955" t32ver="S.2021.04.000134317MXD" t32pv="ARM" cpu="RM57L843-ZWT">
        <List.EXPORT ts="1618396955" t32ver="S.2021.04.000134317MXD" t32pv="ARM" order="source">

Example for JSON File Format for Teamscale Generic Findings

    "path": "com/acme/",
    "findings": [
        "findingTypeId": "myfinding-1",
        "message": "Invalid construct",
        "startLine": 14,
        "endLine": 14
    "path": "com/acme/",
    "findings": [
        "findingTypeId": "myfinding-2",
        "message": "Range not defined",
        "startLine": 12,
        "endLine": 44,
        "assessment": "RED"
        "findingTypeId": "myfinding-3",
        "message": "Finding with offsets",
        "startOffset": 1234,
        "endOffset": 2345

Example for JSON File Format for Teamscale Non-Code Metrics

    "path": "metric1/value1",
    "count": 15
    "path": "metric1/value2",
    "count": 42,
    "content": "some text",
    "assessment": {
      "RED": 5,
      "YELLOW": 3,
      "GREEN": 1
    "time": 3.145

Example File for Teamscale Simple Coverage


Example file for Teamscale CSV Issues

1,Broken Navigation,Bob,Bob,Broken Navigation,1,1,OPEN,false,,

Example file for Teamscale CSV Spec Items

1,Add included classes in renaming,Bob,Bob,Adding support for CSS function radial-gradient,1,1,closed,true,,,,,System Requirement,SR,3,An optional Field,Another optional field