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Report Slide Overview

The following slide types are available in the report editor:

Title Slide

  • Contains title and basic information about the report. The Subtitle field can be used with placeholders to automatically render a report's baseline dates and project name. Valid placeholders are:

Title Slide

Section Title Slide

  • Contains a headline. Useful for improving the report's structure.

Section Title Slide

Metric Bar Chart Slide

  • Contains bar charts comparing the current metric values in your project with the values at report baseline:

Bar Chart Slide

System Quality Overview Slide

  • Contains a table with metric values in your project (metrics from configured threshold profile). It is similar to the Metric Table Widget in the Dashboard Perspective, but fitted on a slide and additionally allowing to display trend delta values (since report baseline).

System Quality Overview Slide

Finding Detail Slide

  • Contains code snippets of findings in your project:

Finding Details Slide

Metric Trend Chart Slide

  • Contains a chart with metric(s) trend since reports baseline.

Metric Trend Chart Slide

Assessment Trend Chart Slide

  • Similar to the Metric Trend Chart Slide, but allows to display assessment charts rather than individual metric charts.

Assessment Trend Chart Slide

Test Gap Treemap Slide

-Contains the Test Gap Treemap of the project. It allows the selection of different display modes e.g. test gaps for all or changed methods.

Test Gap Treemap Slide

Task Detail Slide

  • Contains a detailed view of a task from the Tasks Perspective with its respective code snippets.

Task Detail Slide

Quality Tasks Slide

  • Contains tasks from the Tasks Perspective fitted on a slide. It allows filtering for tasks that have been, e.g., open or closed since baseline as well as filtering by task tag.

Quality Tasks Slide

Image Slide

  • A flexible slide that allows uploading any image to the report and commenting on it. This slide can be used when a specific use case is not covered by the available slide types.

Image Slide

Markdown Slide

  • A Text slide with markdown support.

Custom Slide