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How To Install Teamscale as a Windows Service

You might want to install Teamscale as a Windows service to allow for more consistent management with other services on the same machine and to ensure that Teamscale is automatically started after a reboot. Additionally, this allows Teamscale to automatically restart in case of a crash.


Before installing Teamscale as a service, ensure that the basic configuration was completed and that Teamscale can be started manually. The installation requires the Microsoft .NET Framework version 4.6.1 or higher to be installed.

The required files are located in the folder windows in the Teamscale installation directory.

Installing Teamscale as a Windows Service

  1. Edit the file teamscale-service.xml.

    • Enter or edit the correct path to the Teamscale root directory. For example:

      <env name="TEAMSCALE_HOME" value="c:\opt\teamscale" />
    • Enter or edit the correct path to the Java installation directory. For example:

      <env name="JAVA_HOME" value="c:\program files\java\jdk1.8.0_45" />
    • Optionally uncomment and fill the section <serviceaccount> to run the services as a different user. Alternatively you can set this information after installing using the service console, which avoids storing the password in clear text. In both cases the user needs to have the Logon as a service right. This right can be granted in the Local Security Policy management console by navigating to Local Policies > User Rights Assignment and adding the user to Logon as a service.

  2. Install the Teamscale service by running the following command as an administrator:

    teamscale-service.exe install
  3. Check that the service is running. Directly after the installation, you might have to start the service manually or alternatively reboot the server.

Uninstalling the Teamscale Windows Service

If you later have to uninstall the service run the following command:

teamscale-service.exe uninstall