Changelog for Teamscale 5.5
Newer Release Available
Our current release is available here
Changed System Requirements
- As of Teamscale 5.3, running the Teamscale server on Windows requires the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio to be installed.
- As of Teamscale 4.9, a Java Runtime Environment with Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy is required. Updating your JRE may be necessary.
Update from Older Version
When updating from 5.4.x or earlier, a full re-analysis via backup is required.
Version 5.5.13
- False positives for "Public class attribute" check in C++ when asterisks were used as multiplication operators
- False positives for "Do not shadow built-ins" check in Python
- Sporadic error in loading execution treemap for a single test case
- External findings reports uploaded via connectors were not processed, if they contained paths for files which did not exist in Teamscale
Version 5.5.12
- LCOV report parser failed in case of invalid execution counts
- Termination functions in C++ were not correctly handled during dataflow analysis
- Entry from Issue Metric dropdown in Issue Test Gap view was not clickable while loading table contents
Version 5.5.11
- Numeric Metric dashboard widget initially had a tiny font size when using a grid height of 1
- NetBeans plug-in did not consider deleted files during pre-commit analysis
Version 5.5.10
- NullPointerException in JiraIssueUpdatePostAnalysisTrigger
- Include/exclude patterns in architecture editor were copied unintentionally
- Metric File Distribution Widget and Treemaps were not working for projects that use Simulink alongside a second language
Version 5.5.9
- JUnit parser did not support Google Test's JUnit output
- Compare view did not work in case file paths contained URI-reserved characters
- Some Simulink library models were not correctly linked to code
- 'Save anyway' button in project edit view was incorrectly labelled as 'Discard changes'
- Gerrit project name was not included in the URL used for post-commit hooks
Version 5.5.8
- NetBeans plug-in failed to open "Upload Files for Pre-Commit" Dialog on Java 9 or later
Version 5.5.7
- Some Simulink finding locations were not processed correctly
- External uploads in project's uploads page were not sorted from newest to oldest
- False positives for "Switch statements should not contain unexpected constructs" check in C++ when a macro is used inside a default block
- False positives for "Non-void function should return a value" check in C++ when a method definition uses trailing return type syntax
- Architectures can now be generated automatically from an uploaded list of files
Version 5.5.6
- Interpretation of regex patterns in the branch preview dialog were not consistent with the analysis' actual include/exclude patterns
- Auto-completion in issue-query input field did not work
- External Report Upload dialog sometimes did not validate or pre-fill the input
- False positives for "C/C++ unwanted method calls" check
- False positives for "Switch statements should not contain unexpected constructs" check in C++
- Findings for "Whitespace Formatting Check" were created on the wrong line
- Jira connector appended existing entries to the ticket coverage information table instead of updating them
- IndexOutOfBoundsException in "Do not shadow built-ins" check
Version 5.5.5
- Simulink findings could not be loaded
- Impacted tests for single commit were not shown in Delta perspective
- Breadcrumb navigation from Test Details up to Test Executions was broken
- When presenting reports, mouse clicks did no longer advance to the next slide
- Assessment labels were always "0" in bar chart slide
- Labels of "0" were hidden in bar chart slide
- "C/C++ Unwanted Methods" check did not check all statements
- "Unused private method" check did not consider JUnit @Parameters methods
- False positive for "Variable is assigned to itself" check on Swift "nil check" statement
- Form-feed character was not correctly handled and led to analysis errors
- Misleading "Save anyways" button was renamed to "Discard changes"
- Improved performance of C++ refactoring detection
- External metrics can be exempted from aggregation
- LevelDB is now the default database (was RocksDB)
Version 5.5.4
- Increase of quality-neutral metrics (e.g., LOC) was shown as a negative trend in the Reporting System Quality Overview Slide
- Pre-Commit analysis did not work for projects using an alias
- Invalid default branch setting for TFS connector did not lead to a validation error
- Pasting images from clipboard to image slide did not work
- Using the mouse during report presentation did not work
- Images on image slide wasted too much available space
- 'Guess Url' button in Admin Settings did not work
- Some Simulink sibling findings were not generated correctly
- "Skipping method with negative length" warnings were shown for empty methods
- False positives in "Switch statements should not contain unexpected constructs" check (C/C++, MISRA-C 16.1)
- False positives in "Unused variables" check when a variable was assigned as an out parameter and used in the same line
- Inline comments for lambda methods were reported as invalid interface comment
- PL/SQL parser did not correctly parse the command "CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW"
- External report uploads that were saved but not integrated could never be deleted
- ClassCastException in GitHub line commenting for file-level findings
- OutOfMemoryErrors in TestwiseCoverageSynchronizer
- Invalid URLs were generated when navigating from treemaps
- TypeError ("a is null") when opening issue perspective
- IntelliJ project mapping menu loaded indefinitely if no project was open
New check framework versions are now published on GitHub
Version 5.5.3
- Architectures in projects with aliases could not be opened
- Simulink sibling links were not generated correctly
- Duplicated commit entries and footer in Activity perspective
- Visual Studio Plug-in crashed during pre-commit upload
- Sorting indicator in TGA issue table initially pointed in the wrong direction
- Event log download did not work
- NullPointerException when rendering Simulink library blocks which were not found in the project
Version 5.5.2
- False positives for "Field could be final" check in Java
- Some Simulink library models were not linked to code correctly
- StackOverflowError in DeadStoreAnalysis
- IndexOutOfBoundsException in "Forbidden literals" check for ABAP
- Single Metric Trend Chart Widget did not work if additional paths were specified
- Empty merge commits were filtered out from Activity view
- IDE Plug-ins: Pre-Commit did not work against Teamscale 5.5.x servers
- Tooltip in the System Quality Overview Slide showed the threshold values as "undefined"
- Pressing cancel while editing a task redirected to the task list view
Version 5.5.1
- Issue view now sorts tickets newest first
- Links in commit messages are now clickable
- Eclipse, IntelliJ, NetBeans: Pre-Commit now suggests only changed files relevant to Teamscale analysis as per the analysis profile
- Avatar images were not properly displayed on Safari and Firefox
- Teamscale failed to start if the installation directory was not writable
- Creation/editing of multi-language analysis profiles ignored all but the first selected language
- Enabled check for "backwards" goto jumps for C# and Objective-C
- False positives for "Avoid unused private methods" check in Java
- Compare functionality in method history view was broken
- Line charts in metric trend slide in Reports perspective were missing data
- Finding summary bar chart widget did not work
Version 5.5.0
Major Features
- New Reports Perspective
- Jira Integration: Displaying ticket coverage information in Jira
- Test Gap Analysis now allows excluding changed test code
- Ability to copy a project with all project data, not just the configuration
- Full storage-system snapshots for backup
Web UI
- Findings perspective: All associated tasks of a finding are now displayed
- Tests perspective has been restructured into subviews
- Baseline picker: Newest baselines are now shown first
- Treemap pop-up text now distinguishes between methods and files
New Checks
- "Unrelated member comment" check now detects unnecessary return declarations in comments (Java)
- "Avoid special characters in '' annotation parameters" check (Java)
- "Conditional expression if (0 or false) should be avoided" check
- "Too many method parameters" check (Objective-C)
- "Avoid using C-style arrays" check (C++)
- Check for MISRA rule 10.4: Mismatched essential type categories for binary operand (C++)
- Ability to delete the matched external findings descriptions when deleting an external findings group
- NTLM and Negotiate are enabled by default for SVN connector