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Patch Releases for Teamscale 9.5

Version 9.5.18

Download Teamscale v9.5.18 (ZIP)
June 11th, 2024
sha256: 52f0d016f8133d403019b932c1c40e892813c096f1d783464bf4b8f0529c57a5


  • False positives for "Unreachable code after exit statement" check when using null coalescing operator in C#

Version 9.5.17

Download Teamscale v9.5.17 (ZIP)
June 4th, 2024
sha256: aa211d062435dede05091c0c4ee94c399583846866700970af99cd282cbbe903


  • Selecting any user group in the Delta Parameters page led to a red error page when computing delta, in case "privacy mode" was enabled

Version 9.5.16

Download Teamscale v9.5.16 (ZIP)
May 28th, 2024
sha256: e8745933382c3cd33871b0b4a460b29aa87c3022d61e82a30fa3c61993317242


  • Exceeding the maximum size for CFGs in dataflow analysis resulted in an error instead of a warning
  • SimulinkParameter was missing the "Dimensions" attribute

Version 9.5.15

Download Teamscale v9.5.15 (ZIP)
May 21st, 2024
sha256: cc5356346daa41806e03d4fb43a931d3ee7194d6ecc64da42069d2cc8e9dde3e


  • False positives for "Check for usage of text inside states" check in Simulink


  • Improved loading time in the Delta perspective for specification items

Version 9.5.14

Download Teamscale v9.5.14 (ZIP)
May 14th, 2024
sha256: 7665f8b8a6bd77671079ae36c785decbe317f1d154a81dc219574e6ffabbde3b


  • Teamscale did not vote on Bitbucket Server pull requests in some cases

Version 9.5.13

Download Teamscale v9.5.13 (ZIP)
May 7th, 2024
sha256: e056f42244893837b26ee266f5c2d749bd02c0717edf87fa91d8833857e05167


  • User deletion was sometimes not successful if the user was updated at the same time
  • Text input field in LDAP import dialog for users and groups did not update properly
  • NullPointerException in AnalysisReportIntegrator
  • ABAP Object Properties menu item was not visible for ABAP CDS objects


  • Improved findings description for "Assignment of a variable to itself" check

Version 9.5.12

Download Teamscale v9.5.12 (ZIP)
April 30th, 2024
sha256: e32714fa7cd0768a3c010ef5817d3edc33aa05ac6707e91e9a7d594f58d7d13c


  • Azure DevOps: Specification item relations were not reliably updated when only one direction was selected to be imported causing, e.g., false positives in the "Traceability Violation" check
  • Task tag analysis failed for Python in case of a leading blank in a file
  • Voting of test gap data to merge requests sometimes failed
  • "Get Support" button led to decommissioned Freshdesk page
  • NullPointerException in AnalysisReportIntegrator


  • Improved findings description for "Non-empty switch clauses have to be terminated unconditionally" check

Version 9.5.11

Download Teamscale v9.5.11 (ZIP)
April 23rd, 2024
sha256: 6fca6939f5b56b7d1f9f24a82478b73830f5f2614dacba620a628bfb0aa10a70


  • Objective-C/C++: requires was not correctly parsed as an identifier
  • Annotations shown on the right or the left border of a treemap were cut off
  • Visual Studio Code plugin: No findings were loaded if the plugin version was different from the server version
  • The popups opened by clicking the ? icon for Query in the Requirements Tracing perspective and in the Create task view in the Quality Control perspective were not scrollable
  • External data was sometimes not updated correctly if reports where identical over multiple commits
  • Default values set by MATLAB R2023a, R2023b, and R2024b were ignored in Simulink models
  • In rare cases old external reporting data was not updated correctly
  • Teamscale preprocessor macros did not support language selection

Version 9.5.10

Download Teamscale v9.5.10 (ZIP)
April 16th, 2024
sha256: 6a174d4999d816dec247391e8197ee72e0ed1ab437154f8859686bd5cdca5290


  • False positives in naming convention check for static member variables in C++
  • Eclipse plugin: Configured Teamscale server was lost in some cases
  • Eclipse plugin: Pre-commit analysis did not update findings if Findings view was closed
  • Eclipse plugin: Highlight color of findings could not be changed via General > Appearance > Text Editors > Annotations
  • Macro expansion in Snippet Analysis did not work for Objective-C/C++
  • False positives for "Unused variable or parameter" check for discard variables with multiple underscores in C#
  • IntelliJ plugin: In case of multiple findings per line, hovering the editor gutter only showed one finding in the tooltip
  • Triggers were sometimes scheduled while their read stores were still written by predecessor commit triggers
  • OutOfMemoryError in AnalysisReportPersister (also see the note regarding the new cache in the update notices)
  • Commit entries in the Merge Requests detail view showed wrong state while loading


  • Improved check description for "Document usage of parallel stream" check

Version 9.5.9

Download Teamscale v9.5.9 (ZIP)
April 9th, 2024
sha256: 5006a817f30ec9a4da320f56e84ee95f956a304de0427667d9b686c9e663a344


  • False positives for "No Compatible Declaration" check for main functions for C/C++
  • Speedb database did not clean up files on compaction run
  • Architecture view: Action buttons were overflowing their boundaries in Safari
  • False positives for "Unused parameter" check in C/C++ when using maybe_unused annotation after variables
  • False positives for "Null pointer dereference" check in C/C++ when using parentheses around identifier
  • High memory consumption of null pointer analysis for large functions
  • Issue TGA: "All partitions" did not include new partitions in some cases
  • NullPointerException in Simulink output data type extraction
  • Test Execution Report Parsing: Parsing failed with NullPointerException in some cases


  • Eclipse plug-in: Better loading times for findings markers in the presence of third-party plug-ins like ADT
  • Updated findings description for "Empty Blocks" check in C/C++
  • Better documentation for "Avoid using dynamics" check in OScript

Version 9.5.8

Download Teamscale v9.5.8 (ZIP)
April 2nd, 2024
sha256: a4c3772e83a1b346e3660e855debd6de362131a57bd473a6b58e1fc4f7abb2a1


  • Jira Issue Connector: Default value of "Import only Items Changed After" imported more items than expected for large Jira projects
  • NumberFormatException when executing SwiftLint
  • Dashboard: Metric Scatter Plot widget failed to render when colors were defined in RGB format
  • Voting on Azure DevOps pull requests failed with ServiceCallException

Version 9.5.7

Download Teamscale v9.5.7 (ZIP)
March 26th, 2024
sha256: 1f275300b6e087345713830148caca76da866fd875a04b78d58faa9f2d283f19


  • Dashboard: Commit chart user links were incorrect
  • Documentation: Links were not working due to a "Content Security Policy" error
  • Uploading very large reports could lead to OutOfMemoryError
  • Deleted Gitlab merge requests were not deleted in Teamscale
  • Backup import failed due to unknown internal project ID
  • Trend charts for test gaps and executions included trivial getters and setters
  • False negatives for "Multiple statements in same line" check for case blocks followed by break statements
  • Architecture Editor: Components loaded infinitely when moved for the first time

Version 9.5.6

Download Teamscale v9.5.6 (ZIP)
March 19th, 2024
sha256: 81721d94fa6e5ab52e8a515b0865821b75e169bb7f035007d71b016933753147


  • Analysis Profiles view showed wrong referenced projects if two projects with different analysis profiles had the same name
  • Documentation: "C#" was not recognized as a search term
  • Documentation: Outdated screenshots in the "Simulink Models and Code Generation" page
  • False positives for "Forbidden literals" check in ABAP for function names
  • Issue annotation for Jira Cloud instances failed with 400 Bad Request
  • Backup export did not include Git repository infos by default
  • Check Explorer: Popup for Quality Indicator options was not visible on smaller screens
  • GitLab merge request comments were sometimes resolved with a message about a new aggregated comment after findings were marked as tolerated or false positive
  • False positives for "Multiple statements in same line" check in C/C++ when using Windows data types with const
  • Simulink finding tooltips showed "\n" on block names with line breaks
  • False positives for "Unused variable or parameter" check in C when using pointer aliasing
  • Scrolling did not work in the "Projects using analysis profile" dialog
  • False positives for "Null pointer dereference" check when null assertion had parentheses around the identifier


  • Backup import now considers the project's public ID to determine if the project already exists
  • Improved processing speed of C/C++ preprocessor directives from analysis profile

Version 9.5.5

Download Teamscale v9.5.5 (ZIP)
March 12th, 2024
sha256: 3e51f0ad8d9d6e53f38b09d40ae29c3d1c49a394ef3ac417ea7acad298905419


  • User view: "Edit Profile" button was redirecting incorrectly
  • Simulink: Generation of labels for "multiport switch" blocks failed if the data-port indices were stored in a variable
  • Line comments in merge requests that were intentionally added to a different line than the finding's exact location seemed misplaced due to missing explanation
  • Analysis Profile editor: Resizing text input fields downwards made the rest of the dialog inaccessible
  • Python: match and case methods were not parsed correctly
  • Subversion: Initial commit of a branch was sometimes not detected as a fork commit
  • Visual Studio plugin: Setting Enable Automatic Pre-Commit Analyses did not persist through restarts
  • Specification Items tab on details view was not visible for "No empty required fields" check
  • False negatives for "Hard-coded password" check for variable paswd
  • Swift: do and catch keywords were not parsed correctly
  • Objective-C++ parser erroneously parsed code starting with [[ as C++ annotations
  • ABAP parser erroneously reported backslashes as illegal characters


  • Improved performance of "Statements in Conditional Expression are equal" check
  • Links to Teamscale will now keep the specific target, even when interrupted by single sign-on
  • New troubleshooting entry when task assignee dropdown does not show all relevant users
  • Additional documentation for several issue trackers (Jazz, Azure DevOps, GitHub (non-app))

Version 9.5.4

Download Teamscale v9.5.4 (ZIP)
March 5th, 2024
sha256: 2f00d3e182f5160531077aa54c2b4dd4a31911aec46cdc83214290744659e395


  • Treemaps showed grey rectangle when all sub-paths of a folder, but not the folder itself, were excluded
  • Backup imports were not cancelable during repair-phase
  • Switching between internal and public API services in the API reference page did not work in some cases
  • Project could reach an invalid state when deleting external finding descriptions
  • Incremental Artifactory scans were handled like full scans
  • Test Selection view: Updating the test budget via the slider did not update the respective text input field
  • Merge Requests view: Exception when trying to sort merge requests by number of findings
  • Project Configuration view: Unhelpful icon was shown for initial analysis
  • Merge requests details view sometimes only displayed a null error while the project was analyzing
  • Line comments were not added to GitHub pull requests if the Enable Voting for Findings option was enabled in the project
  • Authentication via access key was case sensitive

Version 9.5.3

Download Teamscale v9.5.3 (ZIP)
February 27th, 2024
sha256: 1a307d388ed2cd1a897b973f63eab2ff4c784194cf7b578dfe9caa0afcd10433


  • Reporting: Treemap annotations could not be saved in some cases
  • Java Profiler configuration wizard did not correctly handle empty lines in the input
  • No issues were imported when using a Jira connector in some cases
  • Code snippet analysis did not show any error messages when it failed
  • Test Selection view: Tests that have been uploaded to multiple partitions were added to the list of tests computed by the Pareto Ranking for all partitions, even if the test has only been selected for a subset of partitions
  • Project search was not working with project ID in the Projects view
  • Reporting: "All" partition selection was not correctly restored for Test Gap Treemap slides
  • declare module in TypeScript was considered coverable
  • False positives for "Avoid using ternary operator" check for ternary operators generated by macros
  • Pre-commits during a rollback could lead to no further pre-commits being processed
  • Simulink: Data type logical was not handled correctly
  • NullPointerException in RepositoryLogListingService
  • JiraIssueUpdatePostAnalysisTrigger failed with 400 Bad Request
  • No alerts were created for inconsistent modification of cross-component clones
  • External uploads of projects were dropped during backup import in some cases, even for projects that were not imported
  • C/C++: AssertionError when Clang could not parse inc/inl files

Version 9.5.2

Download Teamscale v9.5.2 (ZIP)
February 20th, 2024
sha256: 4690e4a86023e328d90632deddb568d9f04202103607cd7d9f2ce50778eb1d2d


  • IOException during backup import when quality reports contained finding badges with assessment filters set
  • Reporting: Slide comment icons were rendered above the comment text instead of beside it
  • Simple setters and getters were sometimes not ignored for Test Gap Analysis in C#
  • Unlinked changes view did not properly indicate loading state
  • JavaScript error in Findings Churn view when using filter toggles
  • Backup import failed with Class name not allowed during deserialization after rename: org.conqat.engine.index.shared.ProjectIdBase
  • Metrics view sometimes showed outdated data when navigating back from the Test Detail view
  • Reporting: Issue bar chart showed unexpected chart controls
  • Segmentation fault when executing SwiftLint
  • NullPointerException in ObjcComparisonAssertionCheck
  • Delta view: Some compare links did not work as expected
  • Content of the time picker dialog overflowed its boundaries
  • Eclipse plugin: NullPointerException when fetching findings while debugging ABAP code
  • Eclipse plugin: Multiple ABAP object types were not supported
  • Codebeamer: Enhanced configuration of tracker item types
  • Check Explorer: Languages and tools could not be filtered without removing them from the analysis profile at the same time
  • Reporting: Slides with bar and trend charts were rendered too small in the Presenter mode
  • False positives in "Interface comment completeness" check in Swift when using override
  • False positives in "Interface comment completeness" check in Swift when using annotations with parameters
  • False positives in "Null pointer dereference" check for C#
  • False positives in "empty_structure" check from ABAPLint
  • False negatives for "Unused variable or parameter" check
  • Analysis Profile editor: Clicking on checks did not automatically select the analysis group
  • Merge Requests view: Findings which are excluded from voting (via project option Vote Exclude Patterns) could not be distinguished from other findings in the UI
  • Superfluous errors about overly long finding messages in ClangTidySynchronizer
  • VotingException for GitLab merge request target branches that were vote-excluded


  • Commit details now show type of external uploads
  • New "Avoid negative formulations" check for specification items
  • Added documentation for the Git Automatic Garbage Collection server setting

Version 9.5.1

Download Teamscale v9.5.1 (ZIP)
February 13th, 2024
sha256: 2cfa9ee179bb83fc153673aac1c95703d17bdb9fbb6535eb051a848567f540cc


  • IOException during backup import when quality reports contained empty finding badges
  • SAML support for ASDF was broken
  • Check Explorer: Filtering checks by guidelines was not possible
  • Configuring Teamscale to use a native SSL certificate would result in a non-accessible instance
  • Swift: Incorrect parsing of repeat-while loops when while statement was not in same line as the repeat closing brace
  • Custom finding descriptions were imported with wrong encoding
  • Eclipse plugin repeatedly showed errors when opening files for a project where Teamscale was disabled
  • False positives for "Division by zero" check when defining regex with literal slash syntax for Swift
  • IntelliJ Plugin: Teamscale menu entry was missing
  • Available Tests view: Duration field lost focus when typing
  • System perspective: Loading indicator was not shown when fetching worker logs
  • SwiftLint's line length configuration was ignored
  • NullPointerException when using the files or branches preview button for GitHub or Bitbucket Cloud connectors
  • Method compare view: Code selection was not scrolled into view
  • Test Gaps > Files view did not load more than 500 entries
  • Pagination in Metrics perspective was broken


  • Improved "Nonsensical Binary Operation" check performance
  • Updated check descriptions for SonarLint checks
  • Improved Check Explorer performance
  • Extended error message with resolution steps, when Jira returns empty project list

Version 9.5.0

Bug Fixes
  • 9.5.0 contains all fixes from previous versions released on and before February 6th, 2024
  • For brevity, only new features are included in the changelog
Download Teamscale v9.5.0 (ZIP)
February 6th, 2024
sha256: 7b5b43a41cdf1b0be524c76487b9132889e2feabca50293f15603a6443a3b6d1