Changelog for Teamscale 5.7
Newer Release Available
Our current release is available here
Changed System Requirements
- As of Teamscale 5.6, running the Teamscale server on Windows requires the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019 to be installed.
Update from Older Version
When updating from 5.6.x or earlier, a full re-analysis via backup is required.
Version 5.7.12
- False positives for "Multiple statements in same line" check in Gosu.
- Findings were created when declaration statements initialized variables with trivial default values (null, 0, etc.).
Version 5.7.11
- Maintenance and "All Projects" log pages did not load
during instance comparison
Version 5.7.10
if constexpr
statements caused a parsing error in C++- Image slides in reports imported from older versions did not render the images
- Commits were not analyzed in projects with the Azure DevOps Git connector
- Repeated error message on submitting an empty input in the "Navigate to issue" dialog
Version 5.7.9
- Reporting presentation view on Safari was distorted
- Error message was incorrectly displayed when external credentials validation failed
- Code lines with findings were slightly indented
- Wrong violation entity was shown for some naming convention findings
- False positives in dead-store analysis in C# 8.0 due to interpolated verbatim strings
- Links to commits in system logs did not work for aliased projects
- Misleading icon was shown for failed issue queries
- Gerrit comments are tagged as auto-generated in order to be displayed as such
Version 5.7.8
- JiraSynchronizer failed if the Jira project was deleted
- Teamscale's pull request comments were not updated in Bitbucket if they had replies
- False positives for "Redundant parentheses" check in Python
- IntelliJ: "Edit Mapping" button was unresponsive when editing an auto-created mapping
- False positives for method length findings in ABAP in rare cases
- Task discussion history was not visible to users who did not have view rights on all users participating in the discussion
- Finding message and location overlapped in change detail view
- Number of removed findings shown in delta perspective did not respect finding filters
- Dead-store analysis did not generate findings if variable declaration and initial assignment were done in the same line
- Double dots in report paths were not correctly resolved
- ArtifactoryChangeRetriever caused rollbacks if Zip file download failed
- Incremental backups sometimes contained inconsistent Git labeling information leading to rollbacks
- Metric trend percentage values in Assessment Pie Chart widget were incorrect
- PDF-printed reports contained blank pages under certain circumstances
- Hitting any key in presentation mode in the Reports perspective made a system sound on Safari
- Infinite loading bar when trying to display an unknown commit in Activity perspective
- IntelliJ plug-in findings window was not updated after pre-commit upload
Version 5.7.7
- Incorrect parsing of local functions using lambda notation in C#
- GitHub connector caused high load on GitHub server due to inefficient resolution of clone URL
- Dashboard list service crashed in rare cases due to an invalid database entry
- False positives for "Redundant parentheses" check in Python in case of tuple packing or unpacking
- Jira users were not fetched correctly in Teamscale due to a recent change in Jira Cloud's API
- False positives for "Calling
on array" check in Java - Selecting folders was not working in the findings view if the list of findings was filtered
- Using declaration for local variables in C# causes false positives in dead-store analysis.
- Using Gerrit with NoteDB backend caused long update times
were not correctly displayed in findings messages
- Improved performance when processing coverage reports
Version 5.7.6
- Memory leak in native Clang-based parser
- Commits deleting/moving architectures were very slowly processed
failed silently without logging any errors- External reports uploaded via connectors were not processed if they contained file locations with invalid lines
- "Expecting metric value for edited path" error in
when parsing OpenCover reports containing conditional entries- Edit, Duplicate and Delete buttons did not work in External Content Widget
- False positives for "Assignment of a variable to itself" check in C#
- Invalid diff was shown for broken clones
- FxCop findings for generic types were not imported
- Branch coverage information in LCOV and GCO reports were not processed
Version 5.7.5
- Many rollbacks with SVN connectors
in the IntelliJ plug-in- False positives for "Do not shadow built-ins" check in Python when class and static methods with built-in functions had the same name
- Auto-generated sibling findings in Simulink were not resolved when their corresponding original findings were resolved
- Event log download did not work
- False positives for "Unused variable" check in C# in case of string interpolation
- Misleading error message when starting Teamscale on a LevelDB storage that was already being used by another Teamscale instance
- Many rollbacks during initial analysis caused by merging of external uploads
- File review button was always shown in grey color
- Avatars were not displayed in Firefox 62.0
- FxCop findings were not correctly imported
- Review finding creation/resolution mistakenly required permission for external uploads
- Red error page when using TGA treemap in branch merge delta analysis in some cases
Version 5.7.4
while processing multiple testwise coverage reports- Using declaration in C# caused false positives in dead-store analysis
- Project selection in dashboards was lost when switching perspectives
- User with 'User Manager' role could not create users
- Sibling findings were not generated and linked correctly
- Branch previewing failed for Artifactory servers with non-default Public Context Path
could block forever when TSLint process did not terminateNullPointerException
when uploading JaCoCo reports containing runtime-generated classes- FxCop findings were missing if they referred to same same whole file and their message were identical except for some numeric part
- Task filter got lost when changing Teamscale perspective
- Eclipse plug-in did not show deleted files for pre-commit analysis
Version 5.7.3
- Red error page was shown in activity perspective when scrolling down during rollback
- Misleading errors were logged when new commits were pushed to a Bitbucket pull request while Teamscale was already trying to comment on it
- Scroll position was lost when navigating away from the code view and back again
- NullPointerException during Instance Comparison
- LockFailedException in GerritChangeRetriever
- Pagination in tasks perspective did not work properly
- Some Simulink model links could not be loaded
- "Parent not in commit tree" error in TFS connector
- "Active users by project" chart in the System Information page was always empty
- Slide list in Reports perspective sometimes had a horizontal scrollbar
- False positives for "Parameter is never used" check in Java for methods with @Override annotation
Version 5.7.2
- Pre-Commit analysis did not work in Visual Studio plug-in
- Coverage was not integrated when uploaded for branch with empty fork commit
- False positives for "Unused variable" check when using string concatenation in switch/case statements
- Export "All projects" checkbox on Backup view rendered with large left margin
- Option "Hide Y axes" in Single Metric Trend Chart had no effect
- Merge request voting was not working in some configurations with multiple connectors
Version 5.7.1
- Warning about outdated coverage information in code view showed inconsistent timestamps for last upload
- System Information page did not show build hash and timestamp
- Merge-request-based delta analysis now shows a Test Gap Treemap
Version 5.7.0
Major Features
- Line comments in GitLab Voting Connector
Integration in Repository Hosting Platforms
- Findings badge has been added to the GitHub integration
- The system-quality-overview-slide can now be manually overridden
- Java fields with common testing annotations are no longer suggested as 'final' candidates
- Wizard to set up a test coverage profiler for Java and Kotlin