Patch Releases for Teamscale 2025.1
Version 2025.1.4 latest
sha256: 2db45138136ee8cf70c5336d62589fffeacd0e33cc7ec7800a6b55599798318b
- Prometheus metric for "Committers in the last 180 days" was not available
- Metric treemaps: Very small values were shown as white when color shading was disabled
- Powershell analysis was not working if the execution produced a warning
- Threshold configuration could be deleted while still being used
- Parsing errors in C# when using quotation marks inside raw string
- Simulink: Incremental analysis did not consider model or data dictionary changes
- Analysis profile containing only specification item checks could not be saved
- Unlinked Changes view did not allow the selection of cross-annotation projects
- Flagged findings were marked as pending in their detail view
- Clone findings were not correctly resolved in some cases
when uploading external reports that could not be parsed- Uploading external analysis data to merge commits caused recurring rollbacks in some cases
- Issues view: Query operator
incorrectly included all entries with empty values
- Improved performance of architecture analysis
Version 2025.1.3
sha256: b1e28e70c82a19591ddf981572eab858a4cdd2f6b7cbabe77bb943821e2e1646
- Teamscale did not start when database sharding was enabled
- Reporting: Metric treemap slide zoomed to node when creating annotations
- Architecture components of third-party dependencies were not updated correctly
- Architecture Editor: Misleading warnings about an unsupported language were shown in some cases
- teamscale-dev: Pre-commit always removed the line break after the first line
- Some specification item finding locations were not displayed correctly in the UI
- Voting on merge requests whose target branch was set as the default branch did not work in some cases
- Merge request metric details showed
Unknown selected tab: 0
upon initial opening in some cases - Simulink:
occurred when the typeInherit from constant value
was used in non-constant blocks - Adding coverage uploads to merge requests removed impacted specification items
- Added support for line coverage in method-based treemaps
Version 2025.1.2
sha256: 8e0ebf2f2794c86a522052287999f70ab0fdf3566b664c4182b8d8f94542c2bf
- Uploading to specific timestamps led to missing merge request annotations
while parsing C/C++/Objective-C files with unexpected or incorrect syntax- Links in advanced code search table were broken
- Unexpected navigation prompt when expanding a check description in Analysis Profile Editor
- Spurious rollbacks when using S3 with webhooks
- Admin > Settings: "Automatic Backup Path" was not validated in some cases
- Guideline Summary widget showed invalid entries for the CWE Sans Top 25 guideline
- Finding detail view did not update after adding the finding to a task
- Architectures were sometimes not updated correctly
- Swift: Extended regex literals were not parsed correctly
- Nesting depth calculation was incorrect for Java
expressions inreturn
statements - Redirected login page broke with React error after importing backup
- Metrics: Zooming into trend delta dialog did not produce correct delta link
- Architectures could not be created when architecture assessment was disabled
- Analysis was stuck due to failing Artifactory and S3 change retrievers in some configurations
- Analysis profile documentation export did not respect heading depth, resulting in incorrect formatting
- Project reanalysis feedback was slow after changing an analysis profile
failed if there were more than one capturing groups in the configured regex- QtCreator plugin: User credentials were not stored
during ABAP RFCs- Detailed Line Comments Limit for Findings option could not be configured for Bitbucket Server pull requests
- LDAP: Nested groups were not resolved correctly
- Filtering the resource history did not work reliably for commits containing both coverage and code changes
when updating deleted Bitbucket Server pull requests- Custom checks analyzed ABAP files excluded from project configuration
Version 2025.1.1
sha256: a959c4a6396ce8e7211f0ab881e9c1ac3e4c5f98ddb5cb81d3f07164e46beb6c
- Too many external uploads for the same commit could cause a rollback loop
- Web UI could not be opened on Windows
- Architectures modified by deleted users could not be edited
- Instance Comparison overview table displayed the wrong summary icon in some cases
- Check Explorer: Separate input fields for collections did not automatically escape commas
- ESLint analyzed HTML files incorrectly
- Findings flagging did not provide immediate visual feedback anymore
- Merge request updates sometimes failed with a
after a force push - Project creation/edit: Deleting a branching configuration line resulted in a wrong start time displayed for the next configuration line
- False positives for "Non-empty switch clauses have to be terminated unconditionally" check for Objective-C++ when
block contains pragma directives - Merge Request Details view could not be opened if metric badges were configured without a shared metric threshold configuration
- Parser error in JavaScript when using comments inside JSX
- QtCreator plugin crashed when right-clicking the Teamscale panel before opening any project
- Reporting: Trend delta for System Quality Overview slide was not shown for assessments
- User Detail view: Avatar images were blurry
- False positives for "Avoid using cartesian queries" check when functions were called for PL/SQL
during backup export- Files with ".c" extension containing Objective-C code were not parsed correctly
- Macro expansion button location was off in Safari
- Bitbucket Cloud and SCM-Manager connectors did not fetch git tags
- Added support for sorting the metrics table by column in the Merge Request view
- Increased timeouts for connections to SAP systems and added global option "Timeout in seconds for logon connections to an ABAP system"
Version 2025.1.0
Bug Fixes
- 2025.1.0 contains all fixes from previous versions released on and before January 14th, 2025
- For brevity, only new features are included in the changelog
sha256: 79286dc200e427632dabbc5245d8401c8a0a864d54d424ed0fc544af833da3a7